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Via Eurasia

World Trails G7 summit

As the whole world knows, the G7 summit of leaders of the world’s 7 capitalist countries took place in Cornwall, in the UK in June. To complement this, and remind the world of the importance of trails, the World Trails Network partnered with the Southwest Coastal Trail to hold a short on-line conference about the effects of the pandemic on trails.

Speakers on the call included, in addition to Julian Grey, representing the Southwest Trail, and Galeo Saintz, representing World Trails Network, many other trail leaders from all over the world.

All speakers reported increased interest in their trails as an effect of the pandemic. Fivos of Paths of Greece reported that the European Union was preparing to spend far more money on rural tourism, which included trails – he sees this as a bright opportunity for European trails.

Galeo spoke about connecting the world of trails – a campaign which he has been successfully leading since 2012, and which seems to be coming to fruition. He expects to inaugurate an annual trails day to help get the message across. Sophie Chipon, of the Grande Randonnees of France, spoke about a new trend for water trails – both in the sea and rivers/lakes. The Far East was represented with the Jeju Olle Trail, and Japan’s Long Trails association.

The film of the conference is not yet on youtube, but we will keep you informed.






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